
Read the text in the supplement - it will provide necessary information and should inspire your individual long turn talk.

 Imagine the following situation: Students´Meeting at University

Monologue: 4-5 min.

You study at the Technical University in Graz and you are a students´ representative (Österreichische Hochschülerschaft). There you meet fellow students from all around the world. To get to know each other a little bit better, you organise weekly meetings to discuss several topics. Today you want to talk about paranormal phenomena and superstition. First you introduce the topic giving a short talk:

· Present some superstitious behaviour and famous theories about several phenomena

· Analyse why people tend to believe the unbelievable

· Give your personal opinion concerning the topic 


Dialogue: 8-10 min

With a colleague you discuss the topic. Consider the aspects below:

· discuss several weird theories and movies

· the function of new media and the internet, concerning the spreading of new unbelievable stories

· explain why there is often no 13th floor in hotels

· the credibility of the different kinds of media in general

· evaluate if some of the theories could be true and think if you are superstitious



The Unbelievable


1.       Aliens

2.       Pyramids

3.       Voodoo

4.       Flight 19/ Bermuda Triangle

5.       Slenderman

6.       UFO Austria

7.       Ufo Sightings Belgium

8.       Rosswell

9.       Yeti

10.   Ancient Aliens

11.   Zombies

12.   Vampires

13.   Cannibalism

14.   Dracula

15.   Corn circles

16.   Hauted Places

17.   Reincarnation

18.   Fortune telling

19.   Ouija board

20.   Earth holes (Erdlöcher) Austria

21.   Stone circles Austria

22.   Stonehenge

23.   Tumulus St. Michel

24.   Water witching

25.   Machu Picchu

26.   Nazca Lines

27.   Sailing stones

28.   Dragons

29.   Angels

30.   Magic

31.   Terrestrial  radiation

32.   Goblins

33.   Ball lightning

34.   The men who stare at goats 

35. Time travel

36. Sea monsters

37. Number 13

38. Superstition 

39 Superstitious traditions in Austria



Urban Farming/ Future Cities


Please read those articles:

Watch these videos:

Imagine the following situation: Tech Fair
Imagine there is a huge Tech Fair held at Raumberg-Gumpenstein, which is visited by international guests. You have to introduce the idea of “The Home of the Future” in a presentation. This presentation should include the following issues:

  • Explain how some of the new technologies that have been invented to make homes and cities of the future smarter and more innovative should look like.
  • Illustrate how an ideal future city should look like
  • Give examples of alternative energies to supply the need for more energy in future.
  • Hypothesize about the consequences on future food production
 After your presentation one of the guests from New Zealand is having a nice cup of coffee with you and you chat about future cities and new technologies. In your conversation you come across the following issues:

       Discuss new technologies that could help save our planet and the environment.
       Should technology really replace human control and responsibility?
      Evaluate the concepts of future transport management systems, urban climate regulation, urban farming and energy supply




Read the text in the supplement - it will provide necessary information and should inspire your individual long turn talk.


Imagine the following situation: Excursion at University


Individual Long Turn                                                                                                4-5 min


You have studied at the University of Natural Resources and Life Science, Vienna (BOKU) and you are an assistant professor there. For your students you are planning a two weeks agricultural excursion to the USA. What do you want to tell them about - what do you want to show them in this beautiful country. For your first meeting you give a short introduction:


     USA (people, landscape, politis, problems, future perspective, Outline your plans for this excursion (detailed plan of your trip)

         Inform your students about the focus of your trip

         Paris Climate Treaty 

         Outline possible solutions to save our world


Paired Activity                                                                                                           8-10 min.


After the presentation you go to a café with your students. There you talk with an Irish student about the excursion. You converse about following topics:


         problems of politics, discrimination, agriculture facing climate change

         talk about topics like economy and fair trade

         the increasing importance of energy saving and renewable energies

         you hypothesise about the consequences of the election

Romeo and Juliet 


Study Questions: 

Imagine the following situation: Leisure Club

Monolog                                                                                           5 min

You are one of the organising members of the Leisure Club and today you watch a modern version of the famous drama: “Romeo and Juliet”. After watching the movie, you give a talk about the film and parallels to our lives. In your talk, answer the following questions:

  • outline why this old story is still topical today
  • explain the reasons behind the increase of social media and online communication
  • contrast the difference between a real-life friendship and a virtual friendship.

Dialog                                                                                               10 min.
With a colleague you discuss modern dating culture and romantic relationships after the meeting. In the discussion you state your opinion on,

  • the advantages and disadvantages of being single/ problems
  • the attitude of young people towards long-term relationships
  • what qualities you would look for in a potential partner
  • the problem of watching pornography (at a young age)
Writing TASK:

Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardoned and some punished.
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

  • Give a short plot outline of the famous drama! Comment on the Prologue and the Epilogue of this famous play. What is meant by: “star-cross'd lovers”?

  • Deal with topics, interesting to you! (e.g. Love and hate, love at the first sight, passion, sex, marriage, the church, religion, violence, death, drugs, friends and group pressure, committing suicide, enemies, relatives and parents, …)

  • In your opinion, which measures are to be taken to prevent young people from committing suicide and lead a happy life?



Deal with this topic on TEAMS! 

  • What Is Greenwashing?
  • How to avoid greenwashing?
  • Difference between green marketing and greenwashing?
  • How greenwashing harms a brand's reputation
  • Your opinion on this topic!


Conspiracy Theories

 Use subtitles when you watch the videos! 

  • Watch the videos
List of conspiracy theories:  
  • Choose one interesting conspiracy theory and create a video of about 4 min.
  • Post it on TEAMS



New Zealand

Hey 2U folks - New Zealand is a fascinating country!
Watch these videos!
Do internet research on the history, landscape, language, cities, agriculture, people, traditions,...  and post a short video of about 2 minutes on TEAMS!
Would you like to visit this remote part of the world one day?






  • Choose a song or a piece of music (Classical, Traditional Folk Music, Pop, Hard Rock,…) you really like 

  • Create a video of about 2 minutes, talking about the style, the genre, analyse the lyrics (TEXT), …and tell us, why you like it😁
  • Post a YouTube link of your video AND YOUR VIDEO  on your TEAMS CHAT (NEUER BEITRAG)

DEALINE: 18. 3. 23.59