Fracking/ Oil Sands



Imagine the following situation: Presentation at University


Monologue                                                                                        4-5 min


You study Energy Engineering at the Montanuniversität Leoben. Due to the international character of your studies, all the lectures are held in English. You should give a short presentation on new fracking technologies.


         Outline how fracking / oil sands production works

         Inform your fellow students about the global political consequences of fracking and the influence on the oil price world-wide

         Give reasons why fracking is largely criticized


Dialogue                                                                                                      8-10 min.


With a colleague from abroad you sip a pint of (Gösser) beer after class. So you discuss fracking and environmental protection in general.


         possibilities to avoid fossil fuels in the future

         the increasing importance of energy saving and renewable energies

         you hypothesise how we will live in 30 years