The Raumberg Spirit

It was a cold and dreary November night at Gumpenstein Castle. The moon was shrouded by heavy clouds. Only now and then some dim rays were able to shed light on the old crumbled walls. Nasty fog patches were drifting through the valley.

Only sometimes through the fog,  you could see (could you see/inversion!) the diffuse lights in the windows of the famous old boarding school of Raumberg-Gumpenstein. Also it was nearly witching hour, some unfortunate students were still sitting over their heavy books. Silence! Suddenly they heard a terrible scream! …..

Role Play: Characters:

·       The Raumberg Spirit
·       Michael, Paul,…
·       Resi, Birgit, …
·       Dr. Hausleitner, the Headmaster
·       Thomas, the caretaker of the building


Spiritthe activating or essential principle influencing a person
acted in a spirit of helpfulness

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