
Read the text in the supplement - it will provide necessary information and should inspire your individual long turn talk.

 Imagine the following situation: Students´Meeting at University

Monologue: 4-5 min.

You study at the Technical University in Graz and you are a students´ representative (Österreichische Hochschülerschaft). There you meet fellow students from all around the world. To get to know each other a little bit better, you organise weekly meetings to discuss several topics. Today you want to talk about paranormal phenomena and superstition. First you introduce the topic giving a short talk:

· Present some superstitious behaviour and famous theories about several phenomena

· Analyse why people tend to believe the unbelievable

· Give your personal opinion concerning the topic 


Dialogue: 8-10 min

With a colleague you discuss the topic. Consider the aspects below:

· discuss several weird theories and movies

· the function of new media and the internet, concerning the spreading of new unbelievable stories

· explain why there is often no 13th floor in hotels

· the credibility of the different kinds of media in general

· evaluate if some of the theories could be true and think if you are superstitious



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