Urban Farming/ Future Cities


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Imagine the following situation: Tech Fair
Imagine there is a huge Tech Fair held at Raumberg-Gumpenstein, which is visited by international guests. You have to introduce the idea of “The Home of the Future” in a presentation. This presentation should include the following issues:

  • Explain how some of the new technologies that have been invented to make homes and cities of the future smarter and more innovative should look like.
  • Illustrate how an ideal future city should look like
  • Give examples of alternative energies to supply the need for more energy in future.
  • Hypothesize about the consequences on future food production
 After your presentation one of the guests from New Zealand is having a nice cup of coffee with you and you chat about future cities and new technologies. In your conversation you come across the following issues:

       Discuss new technologies that could help save our planet and the environment.
       Should technology really replace human control and responsibility?
      Evaluate the concepts of future transport management systems, urban climate regulation, urban farming and energy supply


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