Read the text in the supplement - it will provide necessary information and should inspire your individual long turn talk.


Imagine the following situation: Excursion at University


Individual Long Turn                                                                                                4-5 min


You have studied at the University of Natural Resources and Life Science, Vienna (BOKU) and you are an assistant professor there. For your students you are planning a two weeks agricultural excursion to the USA. What do you want to tell them about - what do you want to show them in this beautiful country. For your first meeting you give a short introduction:


     USA (people, landscape, politis, problems, future perspective, Outline your plans for this excursion (detailed plan of your trip)

         Inform your students about the focus of your trip

         Paris Climate Treaty 

         Outline possible solutions to save our world


Paired Activity                                                                                                           8-10 min.


After the presentation you go to a café with your students. There you talk with an Irish student about the excursion. You converse about following topics:


         problems of politics, discrimination, agriculture facing climate change

         talk about topics like economy and fair trade

         the increasing importance of energy saving and renewable energies

         you hypothesise about the consequences of the election

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